Everything you need to know about your order.
We offer various payment options based on your ordering country, including Klarna, Vipps, American Express, and Debit/Credit Cards.
If you have placed an order, but are still awaiting information about shipping, the order is probably still being processed for shipping in our warehouse.
As soon as your order leaves our warehouse, you will receive the tracking notification.
If you have not received a tracking link yet, the package is probably still being processed for shipping at our warehouse. Our goal is to dispatch the order within 24 hours (on normal working days). In periods of high demand (i.e. sale periods, Christmas), the processing time at our warehouse might be longer.
If you have received a tracking number or shipment message from the shipping company, but you have not seen any updates on the tracking for a while, please contact us and we will investigate.
The order confirmation is sent to your email address a few minutes after you have placed your order. In some cases, the order confirmation is filtered out and sorted to your spam or trash folder.
If you do not receive an order confirmation, please contact us with your order confirmation number and ask us to send it to you. Please leave both your name and the email address you used to place your order.
To keep track of your order history, you can create a customer account. All orders created when logged in to your account can be found under "my orders".
Shortly after your order is placed, it will be processed by our warehouse. As we strive to fulfill and ship all orders as quickly as possible, we cannot make any changes in sizes or products in an already confirmed order. This is because the order might already be on the warehouse workstation.
If you misplace an order or a product in your order, please place a new order with the correct items, to secure yourself the products. If you have yet to receive shipping information, we can also cancel your order and reverse the payment.
If you have not received a shipping confirmation yet, then there might be a small chance for us to change the address before the departure of your order. Please contact us by mail as soon as you notice that you need to change the delivery address. However, if the shipping label is already printed, the package will go out to the address originally provided when you completed your purchase.